Friday, April 10, 2009

.Visiting iLL Friends.

i Didn't have school today.
that was good i Guess.
last night i stayed up till 4 in the morning.
i Woke up at 8, only 4 hours of sleep.
anyways, today my fam- and i Went to go visit and iLL friend.
i Call her kak Wani.
i Think it was back problems that she had?
yeah, she was the one i Always liked to bully.
bully meaning, teasing.
i'M probably gonna stay up late today too.
but tomorrow there's an ASEAN tournament.
good luck to all the competetors out there.
soo.....Kak Wani looked bad when i Came over.
she couldn't get up, so she just layed there in bed.
i Feel bad for Abang Munir (the husband).
he has to do all the housework now, and take care of Kak Wani.
he looked tired when we saw him.
well i Really hope Kak Wani gets better really soon.
who else am i Gonna pick on?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

FoReVeR- Means a Long Time.

i Never wirte in my "blog" in a really freakin long time.
How many months has it been?
It's been about 2 months.
a Lot has happened in that time, i mean a lot.
i'VE mended old connections i had with other people,
Trying to Right my WRONGS.
But it just never works out.
i Honestly think that these 2 months i have sort of opened my eyes.
To what? Well to things in the past.
i Saw this quote my friend had on her MSN: "Life is lived Forward, but Understood Backwards"
i Deffinatley get that.
i Don't see how kids my age around me can be so calm.
They live life like there's nothing to be afraid of.
But there are so many things out there that can leave you a loner.
Weather it'd be rumours, or your past.
It makes the decision of If they want to be friends with you or not.
I don't think they really care about who you are now.
People work weirdly...but it's the truth.
People judge you more on what you did in the past,
Then they do in the present.
But only true friends would know that it was the past.
And what's in the past stays in the past.
Like i said only TRUE FRIENDS will still be yours.
Now i'LL see who my TRUE FRIENDS are.
i Bet it would only be Asma, and Umal, and Yabo.
and i'M okay with that.
i Don't need people to tell me what i did wrong,
or to bad mouth me, or to criticize me.
i aLReady know and i Won't repeat it.

Friday, February 6, 2009

~KeLLy. A.K.A ~my childish desk buddy~

This post is a dedication to my desk buddy KeLLy.
She is the most fun person to be sitting next to in class.
KeLLy and i alwasy goof off in class.
In math class we use our books to reflect sunlight to shine others in the face.
In English we doodle around.
We always help each other with work.
We share an agenda book. To write our thoughts and stuffs.
We always play around wit hblocks and call ourselves "creative kindergarteners"
She's like a best friend to me.
And i swear....anyone who tries to hurt will die....
She's my precious Desk Buddy, my friend, my very childish friend.


it's been forever since i updated this freakin thing....
But whatever....I have been seriously busy.
I have been thinking, and you work.
A lot has happened.but i can't remember what happened.
So many things i just cn't really keep up with Anything.
But a few major events like: The trip to the States; Amal's Birthday; Winterlude.
So Yeah...

(short and simple)