Wednesday, June 25, 2008

To my friends in Grade 6 - goin to Grade 7!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

MaCsKiMmInG?? =] oR =[

Okay so we're gonna go here for a feild trip...
We're gonna be on the bus for one hour...
Long Trip.... Never been there....but!
My friends said it's full of bugs, and bugs!
Even if u put bug reppelent...
They'll still ATTACK u!!!
I'm scared....nah...
Owh yeah...and my friend...
Said she saw a (it was Hanna)
Now I'm really if...

They're gonna make us put on sunblock...

I'm gonna get my tan on...wait a second...

Why are they making me put it on?

I'm already really dark!! How much more dark can I get??

Owh well... We're gonna learn how to use a compas...
And most importantly....
Building FIRE!!! I bet I'm gonna burn the whole place down...
BTW... My Gym Team won for HandBall!!!
Yay!! we totally beat the other team...
Plus I scored one in...whoop, whoop....!
Owh yea...!
okies then...byes!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

mY nEw iCoN = = = SwEeT!

Heys !

My friend Fred made me a cool icon...

It's up there as u can now see...

k then

He rox at making this kind of stuff...

I think I should give it a shot tooo!

Okey bye then...

PiNk WiG!!!

How cool is a pink wig?

I think it's pretty cool...

Well today I was sad....

So I thought a pink wig wpuld cheer me up...

And I guess it kinda did its job...

I look like Avril in her Best Damn Thing video...

Well except that I'm kinda dark!!! And she's not!!

Umn...she has a blue dress...I don't?

Owh well...


kk bye!

Monday, June 16, 2008

WhAt Is LoVe Or LiKe??

My one question to people is...

What is Love? or What is like?

Nobody knows...

I think it's a lie...

Nobody could truely use those words...

With the truth...

Love is like a rose,
It will not last forever,
Slowly...the rose dies...

Sometimes people can say that they like you...

But that's a BIG FAT LIE!!!!!!

And people get hurt by love in so many ways...

I know it...

Okies then...

If you can tell me what it is...or your opinion...tell me!


Sunday, June 15, 2008

mY cLaSsMaTeS - - - Gr.6

Okie so I'm goin to tlak about my classamtes...
Guys: Richard, Jarrod, Scott, Fred, Juozapas, Riley, Tristan, Graham, David C., Mohamed, Lucas, David S., Ben, and Hyungu
Girls: Me, Julia, Bethany, Annie, Rula, Hanna, Emma, Ailin, Alana, Dorcas, Umal, Jane, and Iesha....
They're all I fit in...
I'm really gonna miss them during Summer Vacation...
And I think Juozapas is goin and not coming back...
Owh well...
Jarrod's a really cool guy...the coolest I've ever met...and nicest...
Ben's okay too...he's a good friend...
Graham is a smarty-pants...BUT MUMBLES....
Lucas is trying to be funny....(but isn't) umn....randomn?
Fred can kaick but on Halo 3...and's a abit of a freak...
David C is a bit.....just a bit....retarded...(but so am i)
Julia's a good is Bethany...but a bit annoying...(but so am i) - - - (sometimes)
Hanna is funny and an awesome friend!!....Jane's good at sports (real good)...
Ailin is smart and quiet.....Annie is nice... Dorcas is toooooooo nice... dunno...
Well Bye!

mY fRiEnD's bLoG - - - HaNnA w.

Yay my friend Hanna has made a new blog...

So go check it out!

Okay so umn I'm bored so I'll blog...


So umn wat to talk about???


Just go to the blog...

Okay later!!

LeFt OvEr CaKe - - - YuM!!

Well yesterday I had sort of like a dinner party....

And so there were people...

Amal was there...of course he was there...

And there was lots of food....

Yea and 2 cakes....

For my mom cuz it was her burfday...

There was this one cake where only....

I was Eating it !!

So I was just thinkin....that it shouldn't go to waste....

Ps. I have alot of blogging to catch up on!!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

wHo Or wHaT tHe HaY iS aMaL?

So people are wondering....

Amal is actually the name of a really cute baby...!

And I love him so very much.

I'm not related to him but he's my mom's friend's baby...

U know the picture's him...!!

Well okies then...wait...

Then there's Po.

Po is from Kungfu Panda...

Po reminds me of Amal and Amal reminds me of Po!

Okies then...bye!

mY fIrSt pOsT - - - wHaT iNsPiReD mOi

Hmm....Okay this is my first post....

I'm a girl called Nadhirah....Naddy for short...this is my blog...EnJoY!

What should I talk about?

Well I guess I could say why I got blog...

I was inspired by a great photographer...

His pictures are amazing!!

Well how is everyone?

I guess this is my first post...