Sunday, June 15, 2008

mY cLaSsMaTeS - - - Gr.6

Okie so I'm goin to tlak about my classamtes...
Guys: Richard, Jarrod, Scott, Fred, Juozapas, Riley, Tristan, Graham, David C., Mohamed, Lucas, David S., Ben, and Hyungu
Girls: Me, Julia, Bethany, Annie, Rula, Hanna, Emma, Ailin, Alana, Dorcas, Umal, Jane, and Iesha....
They're all I fit in...
I'm really gonna miss them during Summer Vacation...
And I think Juozapas is goin and not coming back...
Owh well...
Jarrod's a really cool guy...the coolest I've ever met...and nicest...
Ben's okay too...he's a good friend...
Graham is a smarty-pants...BUT MUMBLES....
Lucas is trying to be funny....(but isn't) umn....randomn?
Fred can kaick but on Halo 3...and's a abit of a freak...
David C is a bit.....just a bit....retarded...(but so am i)
Julia's a good is Bethany...but a bit annoying...(but so am i) - - - (sometimes)
Hanna is funny and an awesome friend!!....Jane's good at sports (real good)...
Ailin is smart and quiet.....Annie is nice... Dorcas is toooooooo nice... dunno...
Well Bye!

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